Alison Read
University of Colorado
University of Puget Sound
west Seattle

Alison has had the pleasure of treating patients in the Seattle area since 2007.  Before calling West Seattle home, Alison grew up in Michigan.  She attended the University of Colorado in Boulder where she received her Bachelors in Kinesiology and Applied Physiology with a minor in Environmental Biology.  She went on to earn her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from the University of Puget Sound in 2006.  

Alison has a strong background in outpatient orthopedics and is experienced in treating a wide range of patient populations.   She has practiced across a diverse range of treatment settings which has broadened her understanding and awareness for the individual’s physical therapy needs.   Alison enjoys treating all patients, but she has gone on to specialize and is a Certified Exercise Expert for Aging Adults (CEEAA).   She finds it particularly rewarding to treat the aging population, helping them remain strong, independent, and safe.

 She believes in building patient wellness through educating and empowering patients to actively take part in their rehab journey.  Alison develops personalized rehab treatment plans aimed to help patients achieve their greatest success and return to activities they enjoy while preventing future injury.  

Outside of work, Alison enjoys spending quality time and planning adventures with her husband and their two children.  She happily finds creative outlets through exploring the outdoors, traveling to new places in the Pacific Northwest & beyond, and connecting with friends and family – usually over food!  You can often find her tinkering in the garden, volunteering at her children’s schools, or architecting the next ambitious home project.